«i WfYPB'H &&rt §4 ™ *»' *• *»*•'• O0i the signal is started from P» «nn«iv«t«i by ^ and again pc*rcei?©d at p, we ht*Y0 by (2H4) for th«* abnolutt* coordinates of tho points where the Bjgnal m found nt thi'm 0, 0, 0; * -4- «''n *A /; «%• 0, 0, mi iiaoe th* diHtanM from th** first t*» th«* wwund is tr»Y«Ued over in an interval li? nud that from th« wn-oad tt» thtt third m «n iator- By mwtnii of tht»m* 0tjuntion« lt and ls can •,. howi^ffir, tt» fsonniditr thn quantities Indttd, th§ fonuuliM) mwy ttn it«n5ii»r{tt«»d to ,t/s 'I y* t /* — rVl* /» f »/» t /'-c-Vf* Hut it aittwartt fr»*in t*{nwtii«i ii*Hrt* f^r witirli wt mav nt*w writ* that tin* vnriabln fff «lpfifsn*ii by